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Welcome to,
Hey there, thanks for stoping by! My name is Cora Bolds. I am a mid-twenties, style-loving, taco-finding, FGCU graduate, living on the Gulf Coast of Florida. I’ve got the best doggo in the world, Brooklyn, and a cute little apartment on the golf course. You could say I’m living my best Florida life. Through college, I did operations & merchandising for Ann Taylor, took an internship at the Public Defenders office, and even built a business through the Entrepreneurship program at FGCU. In December of 2019, I earned my Bachelors's degree from Florida Gulf Coast University, pursuing Marketing with a minor in Political Science & Advertising. Today I’m the owner and creative director of Brunch & Such, a sales representative and part of the home office team at Best of Golf America. I’m also a full-time dog mom, digital content freelancer, & of course, a part-time blogger. I added blogger to the resume because I just didn’t have enough going on.
I enjoy traveling, food, a good view, nice shoes, and craft brews. I also enjoy nights at home, hole-in-the-wall cafes, food and wine tours, and espresso martinis. With Baileys, please! I guess what I’m trying to say is this blog is a little eclectic, maybe chaotic, but I try my best to keep it organized and up to date. I keep written logs of the places I’ve traveled, as well as life updates and restaurant reviews through the blog tab. I keep pictures of cities, trendy outfits, and drool-worthy food on my Instagram, and I keep upcoming Brunch & Such events updated on the Brunch & Such tab.
I created this blog because I love connecting with people! Please do reach out if you have questions or you want to talk about somewhere I have to visit. I love sharing my life experiences but, I love hearing about yours too! Message me here and we can chat about the latest trends, a self-help Sunday routine, or a collaboration on my blog.
Please stick around, your support means more than you know :)