Feeling Twenty Two
My twenty-second birthday is just around the corner & since I was just in Chicago, my fav, I've chosen to celebrate in Miami. There are a few new places all over the city I'm dying to check out! On my way in, I'm stopping at The Umbrella Sky Project. It's a pop-up art display in Coral Gables featuring hundreds of umbrellas right near Miami. Hello insta pics. It also has a bunch of trendy, high-rated brunch spots I'm dying to check out. POC, Fratellino, & Local Craft Food & Drink all look right up my alley. I'm also looking forward to a new up-and-coming spot in Wynwood, No. 3 Social, a rooftop bar near the Wynwood Walls. & of course I can't wait to be cabana-ridden at The Fontainebleau. Celebrating aside, I've got high hopes for my golden year. I've set some realistic goals & made objectives that I'm really excited about.
So here goes nothing,
The 22 things I'm doing during my 22nd year:
| Followed by the dates I complete them |
Hit 10k on Instagram. Up the content, broadcast to a bigger audience. | 1.15.19 |
Buy the damn YSL bag. I dream about it. | This year I realized I’m not one for materialistic things, I spent the money on a trip |
See Denver. I'm branching out ok. \ 10.18.18 \
Make 5 new girlfriends. Mani/pedis are starting to get lonely. \ Accomplished |
Lose 22 lbs. Contrary to popular belief you don't need beer everyday.
Spend some time in Chicago. Because it's just tradition. | 7.4.19 |
All A's & B's all year. Fortunate enough to be granted an education, make the most of it. | To my defense, I had Finance this year, cut me some slack |
Hit 22 blog posts. Easy peasy. I already love it.
Save at least $5,000. This will be very difficult. | I saved 3, close enough |
Talk to my parents every week. This is the most important. | Every other, but that’s still better than what it was |
Go to 22 new restaurants. This will not help #5.
Go out of the country, Panama maybe? So, this would be the time to renew that expired passport.
Universal Studios. Hogwarts. Butter Beer. enough said.
Read at least 5 books. I will find the time.
Reach 250 followers on Brooks Instagram. Yes my dog has an insta. It's Trendy. @Bthemorkie
Have my Illinois friends come stay. Four years guys, we still haven't done it.
Road trip. Anywhere. Everywhere. Must be at least 8 hours away.
Find a new hobby, take a class, brush up on your French. I enjoy so many things yet repeat the same day over and over. Change is good. |Sur la tab 12.14.18 |
Attend 5 blogger related events. Can't be shy, everyone starts somewhere. | & event hosted my own event 3.03.19 |
Stop biting my nails. It has been 22 years, old habits die hard. | DONE |
Visit 22 new breweries, cideries, & wineries. This will make #5, #7, & #9 nearly impossible. | Finished at the end of my Chicago trip |
End the golden year somewhere spectacular. Couldn't be there for the start, so I have to finish strong.
A lot of my goals will turn into future blog posts! Get excited for 22 new restaurants, 5 New Books, #Roadtrip, & How I Lost 22 lbs.
I hope you enjoyed my post! If you'd like to reach out please do not hesitate. For personal & business inquiries you can reach me on my email, restandriesling@gmail.com, you can leave a comment through my contact page, or you can find me on Instagram @restandriesling.
Check back to my website, new posts usually come weekly. So stick around, your support means more than you know.
For now, I've got to go get some R e s t & R i e s l i n g.