Spring Lookbook
Ahh Spring, the start of something new.
Doesn’t Spring just make you want to clean your whole house, car, closet, & like.. life? No? Just me? Okkk. Well yeah, I have this infatuation with Spring and cleaning and just starting fresh with a blank slate. It’s just so refreshing having a new start, it’s almost like New Years all over. So if you didn’t hit the gym like you were going to, it’s ok! Spring is here to reset the clock and bring a new start to all your resolutions! I recommend making a list, tackling that spring cleaning, purging the old and in with the new! Spring 2019 is coming quick the color I’m mostly feeling for the season is hues of blues. YES, BLUES!! Aqua, teal, baby blue, cobalt, navy, etc. I’m letting blue take over my closet and I’m definitely here for it. So take a look, book a cruise, and shop my key pieces through the links at the bottom! Have questions? Contact me here!
I hope you enjoyed my post! If you'd like to reach out please do not hesitate. For personal & business inquiries you can reach me on my email, restandriesling@gmail.com, you can leave a comment through my contact page, or you can find me on Instagram @restandriesling.
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For now, I've got to go get some R e s t & R i e s l i n g.